- Their own Triumph FX Terminal platform
- Advanced 170+ instruments
- Four different account types
- Clients from USA, Canada or Japan cannot use the service
- No live chats
Company Information
Triumph FX is an international broker giving a full range of brokerage services to clients around the world. You can trade various trading assets they offer. Access currencies, stocks, commodities, and indices markets. They provide more than 170 tradings instruments.Triumph FX has clients all around the globe and is making more of them every day.
They offer a solid number of asset classes to choose from. So, you can select between the following assets:
● Stocks
● Commodities
● Indices
Trading accounts
Our team has compared the four types of accounts the broker offers Account #1, Account #2, Account #3, and Account #4. The main difference is in the amount of the first deposit, commission fee, bonus, number of trading tools, and some exceptional trading conditions like account manager, daily analytics, etc.
- Account #1
- Account #2
- Account #3
- Account #4
• First deposit – $250
• Order execution markets
• Personal advisor – yes
• Trading materials – yes
• Margin call – 50%
• First deposit – $1500
• Order execution market
• Personal advisor – yes
• Trading materials – yes
• Margin call – 65%
• First deposit – $5000
• Account insurance – yes
• Personal advisor – yes
• Trading signals – yes
• Margin call – 85%
• First deposit – $15000
• VIP manager – yes
• Personal advisor – yes
• Custom analytics – yes
• Margin call – 100%
Open an account
Opening an account with Triumph FX is an easy and quick process. All you need is to follow six simple steps:
- to select Open Account in the top right corner of the website;
- to enter your full name, country, email address, and phone number, and to choose the password;
- to click Send PIN and enter either of the PINs you receive, to agree to the terms and conditions, and to click Register Now;
- to complete the questionnaire, detailing further personal information, trading aims, and trading knowledge;
- to submit the required documents to verify your account;
- to make a deposit.
Minimum deposit
Account #1 accounts can be opened for as little as $250, while Account #2 – for $1500, Account #3- for $50000, and Account #3- for $15000.

Trading Platforms
- Triumph FX Terminal is the broker’s own trading platform. We concluded that the app is very convenient to use. Triumph FX Terminal is a platform for mobile, laptop, PC, and tablet trading on international financial markets. The terminal provides wide trading possibilities, allowing traders to receive quotes of financial assets in real time.
Our verdict
Our review of Triumph FX proves that it is a highly reputable broker with a wide variety of trading opportunities. The broker offers good average trading conditions suitable for both beginners and professionals. It also offers over 170 trading tools to its customers, as well their own trading platform, and four different account types. All in all, we may say that Triumph FX is a good trading decision for those, who like their trading conditions.
Velmi dobrá služba od Triumph FX, fantastická práce od Brokers, kterou jsem nečekal. Neočekávané z online platformy a dobré mít osobní kontakt, který by odpověděl na mé konkrétní otázky.
Het was een beste ervaring om met Triumph FX te handelen omdat ze een van de beste winstpercentages hebben die ooit in de handel zijn ervaren.
esta é uma das melhores plataformas de negociação e investimento. Investi 250 euros e numa semana consegui ganhar 140 euros extra. O suporte é muito bom e não houve nenhum problema com o protocolo de retirada.
Além disso, as retiradas subsequentes foram boas. Embora não me sinta confortável em declarar o valor investido, o que tenho com Triumph FX é suficiente para cuidar dos meus filhos por muito tempo. Eles me ajudaram a instalar um software de negociação automatizado que lida com minhas negociações sempre que estou ocupado.
je veľmi pekné pracovať s Triumph FX
Skúsil som to viackrát s inou spoločnosťou, bol som oklamaný, zaplatil som takmer 75 000 eur a nemohol som dostať svoje peniaze
ale keď mi zavolal pán s názvom Oscar Dawson, ktorý ma dokázal poučiť a poučiť ma o tom, ako to v skutočnosti na živom trhu funguje, a pomohli mi získať späť väčšinu mojich finančných prostriedkov.
Az első nyereségemet a pénzügyi piacon szereztem Triumph FX -val.
Triumph FX je odlična platforma – vedno več možnosti, podjetij, valut, kriptovalut se dodaja ves čas, je zelo enostaven za uporabo, funkcija skupnosti pa je v veliko pomoč. V okviru platforme lahko raziskujete tudi delnice, ki jih želite kupiti, z ocenami najboljših trgovcev. Vzvod, razmik in marže so skupaj s čudovitimi posredniki zelo dobri. Priporočam, da preizkusite Triumph FX
corretor experiente até agora
é realmente bom trabalhar com Triumph FX
Eu tentei várias vezes com outra empresa eu era um golpe paguei perto de 40.000 euros e não consegui meu dinheiro
mas quando recebi um telefonema de um homem gentil chamado Bryan, que foi capaz de me educar e me esclarecer como isso realmente funciona no live maket
foi uma direção divina para mim, encontrando-me com Triumph FX
Estou feliz por te conhecer Bryan
After completing the activation i was assigned to the broker , and the broker was so nice to me and he was always available to assist me i will like to commend the broker and the account manager also because the account manager explain everything to me perfectly and the leverage also is good , Excellent platform and everything went smoothly THANK YOU
Spočiatku som bol skeptický, ale môj správca účtu mi odporučil začať s minimálnou sumou, aby som zistil, ako to funguje, a potom, čo som si aktivoval svoj účet, mi bol pridelený maklér, ktorý mi pomáha zarobiť od 500 do 600 dolárov mesačne.
my name is Jamie Robert. .i have traded with Triumph FX company for about 2years now. its absolutely profitable and amazing seeing my profit as recommended every week from the company, its well trusted and tested.. i appreciate the management of Triumph FX for your input support in boosting my financial situation and changing my story life for the best ever, i love you
Numele meu este Andrei Balan, comerciez cu această companie Triumph FX din ultimele 6 luni. Ei sunt cei mai buni brokeri cu care am lucrat acum. Am două conturi live în această companie. Am fost nou în acest domeniu, dar câștig în fiecare săptămână după finalizarea activării, primul lucru pe care l-au făcut este să mă învețe despre fondul financiar în mai multe detalii. De asemenea, îmi oferă un plan financiar și mă bucur acum că am făcut un pas corect
Triumph FX is the best trading company i have ever traded with, i started with their minimum account to test how it works and now i wish i had started earlier. Good brokers and certified customer service. Good interest rate.
Опитах много финансова платформа, изградена върху печалби, за момента е най -добрата, защото загубих пари преди това, но брокерът ми ми помогна чрез търговия и инвестиции за възстановяването им
tak štěstí, že jsem mohl být součástí této skvělé příležitosti … před několika měsíci jsem byl frustrovaný řidič kamionu, ale teď mám vlastní investici, která mi dává asi 500 eur měsíčně pomocí jejich systému obchodování s roboty, takže budu jen řekněme, pokud máte tuto příležitost, nenechte to být partnerem Triumph FX dnes a mějte zajištěný a stabilní příjem z finančního trhu ……. Andrea Novak
Аз съм Тодор Панов, един от клиентите от търговска и инвестиционна компания Triumph FX
Търгувам с тази компания от 2 години.
Започнах търговията и инвестициите си като начинаещ, но получих безплатно образование как да търгувам и как да инвестирам
Също така бях назначен на брокер, който ме научи как да търгувам и как мога да изтегля печалбата си в бъдеще.
С помощта на Triumph FX вече мога да търгувам сам и да получа огромни печалби сам.
Методът на транзакция с компанията е много лесен.
Дружеството с ограничена отговорност Triumph FX е по -надеждно, когато става въпрос за търговия и инвестиции, успехът ви е гарантиран.
a fost o onoare să tranzacționez într-o companie Triumph FX ,,,, am putut să văd profitul așa cum mi-a promis brokerul meu personal. Mă bucur de toate beneficiile
Jsem rád, že mohu být součástí zisku
Казвам се Янко Бойка, от България съм. Обичам този финансов пазар, особено тази компания инвестира с Triumph FX. Те са добри на финансовия пазар и ми помогнаха да реализирам повече печалба и мечтата да купя нова кола се сбъдна, защото печалбата им е добра. И накрая, те заслужават доверие и са надеждни, мога да се обзаложа с тях, че ако инвестирате сега, няма да загубите парите си, вместо това ще спечелите много от тях.
Хороший лицензированный брокер, с деньгами специалисты обращаться явно умеют. Рынок видят, чужие средства уважают и не разбрасываются ими. Сделки довольно осторожные, политику высоких рисков не поддерживают. Все устраивает максимально, очень доволен выбором.
Reliable and Professional brokers with a very effective customer support system
The company have good analysts and I have been trading with this company for the past 3 months and the good thing is, it is the first time I was able to withdraw my profit